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106 Things I Learned Sailing the World for 106 Days

As I have been sitting in quarantine, trying to keep myself occupied, I have engaged in a lot of reflecting on my experiences (aka dreaming about traveling) and cleaning my room (not as much fun as dreaming about traveling). I came across a list I started of 106 things I learned on Semester at Sea. I chose the number 106 because that is the number of days from embarkation in Ensenada, Mexico to Amsterdam, Netherlands. Two years later, and what better time to think about the trip and how I grew now that I can truly look back. After all, it was just this time two years ago I began packing my bags and saying goodbye to my shipmates in Amsterdam.

I left off with 73 things I learned, and just recently added the missing 33. The list is in no particular order - I mixed in the added lessons because, after all my recent reflecting, I realized that it does not matter when I added the lesson to the list, but rather that I learned all these important lessons at all.

Here we go! 106 Things I learned While Sailing the World on Semester at Sea:

1. EGBOK - Everything is Gunna Be OKay

2. sometimes even the most extraverted people need alone time

3. planning trips, while stressful, is also very fun when doing it with friends

4. education throughout the world is so different and that is so interesting (I kinda wanna be 4 years old again and go to school in Japan, I hope thats not too strange)

5. It is to ask for help - especially if you are lost

6. getting lost is the best part of exploring a new city

7. experiencing a city's night life is important... but so is sleep

8. slavery still exists

9. kindness is powerful - the little things are so worth it. humanity is good

10. strangers are just people waiting to become your friend

11. rules are rules for a reason... some are "meant" to be broken and some are meant to SAVE YOUR LIFE

12. sometimes people surprise you in the worst ways, learn from it don't let it define you

13. and sometimes people surprise you and become your best pal

14. there are people who are supposed to be your friends and not your travel buddies. that is ok

15. live in the moment

16. along with that, be present and let the drama from home be just that, at home

17. Benadryl is a godsend

18. if you ever wake up and have gone deaf do not panic but do go to a doctor and get steroids (okay you can panic for a quick second but then go to the doctor and if the doctor tells you that you are fine tell them you are not but do not walk away without meds)

19. friends who bring you candy in bed when you are sick are the BEST friends, keep them close

20. you must open up to others if you want them to open up to you

21. control is nice but so is going with the flow and experiencing life without a detailed plan

22. I am actually good with directions

23. a smile goes a long way when you don't speak the language... and when you do

24. knowledge is universal, access to that knowledge is not

25. 99% of life is a cultural construction

26. family is universal - so are friends

27. biking is so easy to pick up even after years... until you have to bike uphill through tourists

28. you can always find a rooftop terrace, no matter what city you are in... and you should because they are breathtaking every. single. time.

29. always carry a deck of cards with you...

30. and a book because seriously the internet should not run your life and there is always downtime on planes and trains and busses

31. sometimes your heart tells you one thing and the world tells you the other, this is when you ask your professor what truth means and how to find it

32. your professors can also be your friends

33. it is totally normal to call your professor by their first name and get meals with them, in fact you should get meals and hang out with your professors as much as you can, they have so much knowledge and so many stories to tell

34. when you find yourself in a classroom where you disagree with everyone including the teacher, speak up, do not just sit silently or you will regret it (learned this the hard way oops)

35. there is a time to push yourself and a time to stop and relax, know which is which and don't push too hard

36. I don't like when people follow everything I do. I want to be a leader but not run a cult thanks

37. when you are near the equator the sun gets stronger (just ask Myla and her sunburn)

38. every person has a story

39. know your elevator pitch and have an elevator pitch for everything that means something to you, including yourself

40. learning is with out a doubt a lifelong kinda thing

41. When you find a cause you are passionate about, let that passion flow through you and do something about it

42. you do not need to keep in touch with people every second of every day, but also if your best friend doesn't reach out in over a month to ask how you are doing then are they really your best friend?

43. when you are traveling the world it may surprise you who from home wants to talk

44. don't be stupid when you travel - that means don't pack large liquids in your carry on bag. seriously don't, it makes security so slow and is the most annoying thing ever. be smart people

45. random facts are really good conversation starters.. especially during awkward pauses

46. so are random questions so hand them out like candy you might be surprised what you learn

47. people can be slow to open up, if so that is ok, just ask them what their favorite animal is and why

48. asking someone their life story is NOT weird.. especially if you are walking many miles. on second thought only ask this question if you have the time to listen aka you are trekking through the streets of an new city or hiking up a mountain or on a long bus ride

49. hydrate or die-drate!!! am I right? (yes i am)

50. if you have food poisoning do not go stay in a hostel with a gross bathroom or stay anywhere that has a bathroom you are not okay sleeping on the floor of

51. sometimes clothes need to be sacrificed and that is okay, especially if you can buy elephant pants

52. speaking of elephant pants, always haggle down the price they always rip but they cover your legs and keep you from sweating up a storm so they are worth every cent.

53. the best book stores are bookstores in airports

54. there are too many movies to have watched every single one, but that does not mean you should not have movie nights and build forts with your friends

55. you are never to old to play on your DS (sorry to the youngings who have no idea what a DS is, I will cry for you)

56. dolphins are actually a type of whale... who knew???

57. Americans have the same reputation everywhere (and it is low key embarrassing... do better people)

58. you do not need to party or drink alcohol to have a fun time

59. look beyond the camera

60. you will not be able to remember every second but you will remember how those seconds made you feel

61. write down what you want to remember, find your way and do it - blog, journal, scrapbook, videos etc

62. blue on blue is the prettiest view. enough said.

63. it is okay to walk up to random people and eat lunch with them, getting to know new people is more than okay it is great

64. but if you are going to ask people to eat with them do not be that person that sits silently. please for the love of everything that is decent in life contribute to the conversations

65. how to communicate when you don't speak the same language: smile

66. to learn about someone else's culture is to appreciate your own

67. good people are everywhere

68. we are all more alike than we are different

69. the ocean is HUGE.. like think of the biggest thing you can think of, it is bigger than that (and prettier)

70. you determine your own worth. don't let anyone else make you feel insecure

71. making friends on a ship is like networking, everyone is from somewhere different and going somewhere different, but they are all there for the same reason - to find connections and explore

72. alone time is a good time

73. there are SO MANY shades of blue, like so freaking many

74. truth is subjective

75. always be aware of your surroundings ie. random people following you

76. you can airdrop notes without wifi or service (helllooo silent conversations on long bus rides while everyone else sleeps). this only applies to Apple products as far as I know

77. carry a full water bottle with you everywhere - especially if tap water is unsafe

78. your friends health (and your own) is more important that buying a souvenir or seeing another beach. get them back to the ship asap

79. tiny rooms are not the end of the world... the world is your house

80. always air dry your clothes!! dryers burn cloth and make holes

81. but be prepared for your clothes to take a few days to dry

82. honestly, email chains are so much more fun than texting

83. google has games!!! search Snake on google and play your heart out (without wifi)

84. there is a scent that makes you un-nauseous and it is the best thing to bless this earth. its an incense that looks like a chapstick and it is AMAZING (especially if you have food poisoning or motion sickness)

85. if you get sick on a bus from food poisoning and you tell everyone its motion sickness no one will question you

86. there is nothing more freeing than losing your phone for a few days at sea. if you need me write me a post-it note and ill get back to ya

87. you will always persevere. always.

88. Keep your eyes open! see the world and its beauty

89. there are bad people and bad things in this world. but there is also good

90. a lot of small actions = big result

91.Anthropology is SUCH a cool class - and field. (be sure to take it!! even if you are a STEM major)

92. ask open ended questions

93. you need to share if you want others to share with you (be open:))

94. my favorite place in the world? my favorite country? the middle of the ocean

95. no two sunsets are the same. no two sunrises are either

96. Brooklyn 99 is a REALLY good show

97. dress to impress also means respecting the culture, sometimes you cant wear the super cute crop top so save it for another day

98. scarfs are versatile. use it as a scarf, a headband, a shawl. literally anything!! and they are light and easy to pack

99. be spontaneous. there are so many things that only happen once in a lifetime. have tea with the shopkeeper, give a ted talk, go out with your host family's kids

100. when you get back home, it might not be the way you left it. readjusting is hard, but thats because your grew and changed. keep that change and let it continue to blossom. your true friends will be there for you

101. I really cant say this enough, be present but leave time each day to reflect.

102. the world is your classroom. the biggest, most challenging, and exciting classroom you'll ever be assigned

103. make time to have your ocean moment (or mountain moment or whatever is applicable to you) that moment when everything just settles and clicks into place 104. always be ALL IN!!

105. some friends you just know will be friends for life

106. when the travel bug hits, it hits you hard

Exactly two years later (April 21 will always hold a special place in my heart) and thats a wrap! There are so many more things I learned - little and big - but these are some of them. Hopefully, you get to experience the world and learn something too. If not, learn from me! After all, I wrote it all out for ya!

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